His boxes are simply beautiful, I know I would love to win one.
Well as Stella got her groove back in the movie, I think I now have my groove back. Life got a little stressful there & I just couldn't blog, but now that life is more normal, & my darling is doing great, I shall try to be more faithful in writing.
May I show you what I have been working on for Christmas presents? Well first we have a kitty pillow for Penny. The photo just doesn't show the bright green in the kitties eyes, they are so life like. Please excuse the shine of the plastic wrap, I had them wrapped before I remembered to take a photo. However, I think you can see the beauty of the faces.
Then we have a beautiful tea pot for my dear friend Deni. So many special times we have shared at tea places.
Then I made a urn with beautiful flowers & tiny Dresden plates for my friend Deb.
Then we have a beautiful tea pot for my dear friend Deni. So many special times we have shared at tea places.
Like all of you I have been so busy at my sewing machine sewing, sewing, sewing. Today is Christmas eve & the door is closed, all the gifts are where they are suppose to be. Life is wonderful.
Merry Christmas to you all, & blessing to you.