I'm here but have been reading what all my fellow bloggers have been doing. I have had some obligations to folks who have ordered items from me so haven't had a chance to bog myself. Also, our storms here have been quite an issue, when snow falls where Mr. G & I live we loose power. So that means, no heat. now Internet, now hot water. My goodness it is a bother.
So, I do believe the snow storms are over just rain in the forecast. If all goes well blue sky's are in our future.
Here is a photo of our back deck during the last snow storm when I couldn't get out of our yard to go to a quilt show. Now that is a disaster.
So today we only had rain, so I spent the day working on blocks from the "Block of the Month" I signed up with at my favorite quilt shopQuilters Paradise
I used to go to their shop when I went to visit my Mother, fond memories. Hope I can get back there sometime, but now that Mom has passed away, don't know when I would head that way. Thank goodness for Internet though.
Anywhooooo-- the blocks are so fun to make & the fabrics are simply wonderful, my simple photos just don't do the fabrics justice. The BOM is called Pieces of the Past. I saw it when I visited the shop & fell in love with it. Gregg told me I should make it for out bed, well, if he liked it, then it was a done deal.
So here are a few of the blocks to show you, don't you just love the fabric? I can hardly contain myself. to wait each month for the next one to arrive.
These blocks are wonderful! I'm glad you found a bit of time to blog a bit today.