Thursday, February 9, 2012

My new purse

I wanted to share with the the darling purse & small bag my friend Deb made for me.  I just love the fabric she picked.  She gave me the pattern so I can swap the purse with a different fabric sometime.  I don't know if you can see it, but the zipper pull on the little bag is scissors.  Isn't it cute?
Here is a shot of the inside, beautiful Deb.


Then she made me this darling shopping bag with it's own bag to to store it in.  It folds up nice & tiny to fit in your purse until you are ready to fill it.  Now how did she know I love black & white cows?    I just love those faces.

Thanks for stopping by,


  1. That Deb is a pretty sweet friend! Love the purse and the shopping bag.

  2. Hi Rebecca, Oh I just love your purse gift from your friend and the tote to go with it. Perfect for lots of fun shopping and ready to pull out and fill. Being a purseaholic, I love this post. I am sure you are going to really enjoy them both.

    Have a wonderful weekend.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  3. What a super fantastic purse and OMG I love that shopping bag. Superb!!! You are loved.

  4. Rebecca, I've been wondering how you're doing and decided to see if you had anything new on your blog... :) You are just TOO SWEET! I'm glad you like your goodies. You know, I remember you saying you liked cows.. WAY back in the early BC days. It just struck me as something different because you've always been such a lover of everything pink. When I saw the pink, black and white cows, I thought of you right away. SO, are you going to make a new outside for the changable purse? ...maybe something for spring?! Can't wait to see...

  5. I'm glad you love it, Rebecca! I remembered LONG TIME AGO when we were on BC and you mentioned something about liking COW fabric... well, when I saw this one with the black and white cows with a touch of PINK, I knew you had to have some.
    Hope you had a nice Valentines Day!
